German Fasnacht - Carneval - Narri Narro!

Hi and Hello, in Germany it's Fasnacht time. 
It's based on old traditions.
Don't ask me what it's all about. 
I was born in a little village called Nusplingen. Only 2000 people live there.
So, I'm used to the Fasnacht and I still love to get dressed up in funny or traditional clothes. Devils, Witches and nice ones called Hansele. . .
Also, everywhere you can hear drums and typical marching music, it reminds me of my childhood and home.

I still have a real costume the "Hansele" with bells and a hand made
wooden mask. How nice! My daughter Lisha is wearing it this time (the single picture in the right corner), I'm very proud of her,
 to know that she also loves it - it's great.

Hope you guys got a little idea of the great fun to celebrate the German
Fasnacht Carneval.
Have a nice week :o)


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